Click the Sign in with Google button and select your Freedom Learning-assigned account.
In the Academic Snapshot box, you will see the classes that the student is currently enrolled in, how many assignments have been completed, and information about the student’s pacing.
It is important to note that the grade that you see in the Academic Snapshot is an average grade for the completed assignments, and not necessarily the grade in the class.
To get a more complete picture of a student’s grade, in the menu on the left, check out the Gradebook.
You can also check the Student Activity to see how many minutes your student is spending in each class.
Let’s go back to the Dashboard and explore Orientation.
In each course, you’ll find contact information for your teachers in the Teacher Information and Links folder (or in this case Teacher Resources and Links).
The lesson called Get Help with Synchronous Support will show you when your live classes on Zoom are and where to find recordings of previous live sessions in case you can’t make it to one.
The To-Do List will show you what assignments you have coming up and when they are due.
To access your Calendar, click on the three horizontal lines on the top left of your screen.
If you haven’t completed the prior assignments or lessons, then you might see this: You must successfully complete the following activities before viewing this item.
Hitting the back arrow at the top left will take you back to where you previously were.
Using the three horizontal lines, click on Student App to take you back to your Course Cards.
A student should expect to spend about an hour per class per day.